K&S Successful at Trial

Kinkead & Stilz is pleased to announce successful results after years of litigation and trial by founding partner Shelby Kinkead. M&T Logging, Inc., the holder of a surface mining permit, sued B&W Resources, Inc., a surface mining company that had contracted with M&T in the Perry Circuit Court. M&T alleged that B&W had violated its … Read more

K&S Authors Published in Common Defense

  Tonya Rager and David Trevey have had an article published by the Kentucky Defense Counsel on Digital Breakups: What Should Happen to Digital/Electronic Information When you Leave a Law Firm”. The article explores issues related to the ethics of leaving a law firm and what should happen to email, calendars, and other digital information … Read more

Kinkead & Stilz Supreme Court Victory

  Kinkead & Stilz litigation attorneys D. Barry Stilz and Lynn Sowards Zellen recently obtained a favorable ruling from the Kentucky Supreme Court regarding the scope of the Police Officers Bill of Rights.   The case originated after then-Boyle County Sheriff Marty Elliott terminated one of his deputies as a result of complaints by grand … Read more

Leasing Legalese

As we make our way into a new year, and the economy continues to improve, I find myself preparing and reviewing more and more commercial leases. There is always an adversarial relationship to some extent between the tenant and landlord. Generally speaking, the owner wants market rent, which increases over time while the tenant wants … Read more

Kinkead & Stilz Attorneys named 2018 SuperLawyers

Kinkead & Stilz is pleased to announce that Robert C. Stilz, Jr, Robert “Coley” C. Stilz, III and David A. Trevey have all been named to the 2018 Kentucky SuperLawyers List. Robbie is as a SuperLawyer in Real Estate and Banking, Coley is named as a Rising Star in General Litigation and David is named … Read more

Recent Kentucky Statutory Amendments of Note

For lawyers practicing in the areas of real estate, contract, and civil litigation, there are a couple of statutory amendments recently enacted by the Kentucky legislature that are important to understand and remember. First, KRS 382.135 is a statute governing the requirements for the contents of a deed in Kentucky. KRS 382.135(1) was amended in … Read more

Basics of 1031 Like Kind Exchanges

You may be able to defer capital gains tax on the sale of property which has appreciated in value through the use of a Section 1031 like kind exchange. It is a vehicle which can be employed by a taxpayer who sells property which has been held for productive use in a trade or business … Read more

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